🏡 | ⬅️ Fragments | 2023_11_30_Outreach_Announcement.md

#saas #frag #outreach

"Yee, I saw your email but opted out to respond your on Linkedin"

OutReach, 489$M funded, "sales engagement" spam platform https://www.outreach.io/ freaked out and went viral recently

Google & Yahoo email acceptance policy changes: What does it mean for me? https://www.outreach.io/resources/blog/google-yahoo-email-acceptance-policy-changes

TLDR todo

  • Create 20 inboxes in Outlook (not Gmail) across 10 “look-alike” domains and make sure the DNS, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and redirects are all set up correctly. Use Instantly to warm up the inboxes.
  • Measure negative engagement metrics ... what negative?

Come from further research, and execelent post by Adam Robinson, CEO @ Retention.com


Revenue leaders are getting the Outreach/Google announcement wrong. It doesn't mean the death of cold email. In fact, cold email is about to become even MORE POWERFUL, but the playbook looks very different... 👇

Here's the breakdown:

The Old “Predictable Revenue” Cold Email Playbook (2011-2023):

  • Download a target list of accounts and contacts from ZoomInfo/Apollo based on firmographic data, title, and relevant tech
  • Have young, untrained, North American BDRs stick them into Outreach, which will send a generic, un-personalized flow, and have zero regard for negative engagement metrics (like the 3/1000 SPAM limit that Gmail will start imposing soon)
  • Send a daily Salesforce report of engagers to your BDRs so that your reps can attack people who made the mistake of opening or clicking an email
  • Get frustrated when none of this works because inboxes are ruined
  • Yell at your team that they aren’t working hard enough, keep increasing activity metrics
  • Either you let go of the BDR leader or they quit, hire a new leader, only to repeat the exact same process, step-by-step, oblivious to the fact that 2023 broke this busted playbook…

The New “Inbound-Led-Outbound” Cold Email Playbook (2023-????):

  • Build an audience before you even have a product with Linkedin, Podcasts, Virtual/Live events, etc
  • Invest in community WAY TOO EARLY, by answering every comment on Linkedin, leading weekly work-in-public workshops, and cultivating a group of brand ambassadors
  • Download that same target list of accounts from ZoomInfo/Apollo, but cross-reference it with your community of engagers on social media and events, and start there - Create 20 inboxes in Outlook (not Gmail) across 10 “look-alike” domains and make sure the DNS, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and redirects are all set up correctly. Use Instantly to warm up the inboxes.
  • Systematically send friendly, open-ended messages through Instantly to PEOPLE WHO ALREADY KNOW YOU through your content, and land in the primary folder because of how diligent you were setting up the infrastructure
  • Get absurdly high reply rates because of the relationship you have previously established with these prospects, the fact that you aren’t a BDR half their age who understands nothing about them, and your email is a friendly, inviting, non-sale.
  • Use a Person-Level website identity tool to see who has hit your website, and based on the users pageviews, do ever-more targeted outreach, automated and manual, nudging them down the funnel.
  • Watch yourself close MORE deals FASTER with ABSURD efficiency because your trust-building and education process has taken place over months if not years of steady content creation.
  • Stay bootstrapped longer than anyone previously thought possible because you are trading a small amount of predictability for a HUGE amount of capital efficiency

It’s a Push vs. Pull model.

In 2024, Pull wins.


Ilya Elias S
Ilya Elias S @reactima
React/TS/Node/Python/Golang Coder
🇯🇵 Japan Permanent Resident
Used to live in 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇸🇬🇭🇰🇬🇪🇳🇱
Interested to discuss the above or looking for a partner to work on Data Mining, Recruitment, B2B Lead Generation and/or Outbound SaaS related projects?
Feel free to ping me to exchange ideas or request a consultation!